12-5pm: CI Jam at Kelly’s Barn
6-10pm: Potluck Dinner at Nomad Community House
Please come celebrate the holidays with the Boulder Contact Improvisation community at the 2011 Holiday CI Jam and Potluck Dinner!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
We are pleased to announce that Anthony Salvo will be providing live, improvised music for us during the jam from 2pm-5pm.
Everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, is welcome to attend. And, if you can’t make the jam, please join us in community for the potluck.
More enticing details to follow. Please check back often and watch out for our e-mail announcements on the Boulder CI Yahoo Group.
The jam will be co-hosted by Jennifer Peck and the potluck will be co-hosted by Scott Rodwin & Marsha Austin.
The cost for the jam will be $10-20 (for five hours of dancing!). The potluck is free.
Please RSVP on Facebook here: http://on.fb.me/holiday-2011