3-6pm: CI Jam at Boulder Circus Center
6-10pm: Potluck Dinner at Nomad Co-Housing
Guest musicians: James Hoskins, Anthony Salvo, Brian Mullins
Come celebrate the holidays with the Boulder Contact Improvisation community at the 2013 Holiday CI Jam and Potluck Dinner!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Please RSVP on Facebook here: www.facebook.com/events/547453845338646
Jam Guidelines: bit.ly/jam_guidelines
Our Guest Musicians
Anthony Salvo has been a student of music and violin for over 40 years, He is an improvisational artist who has performed with Tumblebones, Playback Theatre West, Gypsy Swing Revue, Free Range String Quartet, and many other dance/CI evens in the Boulder area. He has dedicated his life to the study, performance, and teaching of the spiritual, musical, and healing arts in order to bring an uncommon demonstration of intuitive, celebratory music making. More information about his music may be found at www.anthonysalvo.com.
Everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, is welcome to attend. And, if you can’t make the jam, please join us in community for the potluck (hosted by Scott Rodwin).
The cost for the jam will be $10-20. The potluck is free.